
Showing posts from February, 2015


The main theme that flows from the life of Abraham to Jacob is that of inheriting the promises of God. God had a promise land for them, a promise of blessing even unto their descendants, and a promise of impacting the nations of the world. God has certainly brought these promises to fulfillment. In fact, to this day, all three of them continue to reap the fruits of the promises. Thus, it pays to look into their lives to learn from these men that we ourselves may enter into all that God has for us.     "Promised Land" || Copyright © 2011 One of the things common among the three is that they were specially handpicked by God and set apart. Abraham was handpicked by God from a brood of three. Isaac was distinguished from Ishmael as the son of promise and sole heir to Abraham. Jacob was chosen over Esau to be the recipient of the same promises as Abraham and Isaac. Thus, we learn from their lives how when a man is called by God to a certain destiny, he i


Copyright © 2014 CreationSwap LLC Zephaniah 2:3 Seek the Lord, all you meek of the earth, Who have upheld His justice. Seek righteousness, seek humility. It may be that you will be hidden In the day of the Lord's anger. Zephaniah 2:3 is a very important verse in the days we are living in. It speaks of the forthcoming judgment of the Lord and that there is hope of being preserved. Further, it tells us how we can be preserved. Fear of the Lord As darkness is rising, there are many things that are bringing fear in the hearts of men. The conflicts in the world today, rise of extremists who are persecuting Jews and Christians, pandemics, shaky worldwide economy, and many more are gripping the hearts of people. But are these truly what man must fear? At worst these will hurt the body but they do not determine our eternity. One thing will affect a man's eternity and that is the wrath of God. If there is truly any fear we must possess it is the fear of the Almighty. Zep