
Showing posts from June, 2015


Caleb was a true man of God. From the start to the end of his life, he was faithful to the Lord. It is no wonder that when God tested a whole generation, he was one of only two men who passed. It is therefore of great value to reflect on his life and seek to emulate him. Copyright © 2014 CreationSwap LLC Spy to Canaan - A Man of Faith and Obedience (Numbers 13) The Scripture first mentions Caleb as one of 12 spies commanded by Moses to spy out the Promise Land. Caleb at this time was already a leader of the tribe of Judah. He together with fellow leaders of the other tribes of Israel did as they were told and accomplished the mission in 40 days. The number 40 speaks of trials and tests. When God gives us a call, assignment, or ministry, we shall be tested by it. Tests reveal men’s hearts and determine who qualifies. They sift the saints. The spies all went through the mission and were tested by it. But only two passed, Caleb and Joshua, because only they had the right responses