
Showing posts from April, 2017


The rock badger In life, we face a lot of difficulties which could easily weigh us down. Yet, the Scripture presents to us four small creatures that can encourage us and reveal the purposes of God for us. Proverbs 30:24-28 speaks of four creatures that are called little yet are exceedingly wise. The passage spoke of their challenges and how through wisdom they overcame. Just like these little animals we too can overcome through wisdom. Let us take a look at the four creatures. 1. The Ants “The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their food in the summer” - Proverbs 30:25 The ants show the wisdom of hard work and preparing well. They do not procrastinate and they anticipate a time of difficulty. Some ants store their food in summer and feed on it during winter, while others gather in summer, eat it during fall and hibernate in winter. They gather food at a time when they still can as they prepare for seasons when they can no longer forage. This could speak to us t


Based on the Message of Sis. Cora Langi Sometimes, it is not natural for us to be thankful. It is easier to see the negative things in circumstances and people than to thank God. We forget to thank God for what we have and we complain about what we do not have. However, God wants us to be a thankful people. The truth is there are so many things we can thank God for in a day! The following are three reasons why we should thank the Lord. It is not an exhaustive list for we will never run out of reasons to thank God. We can never thank Him enough and when we start, it is endless. Thankfulness Keeps us in God's Presence Psalm 100:4 says, "Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name." In the Tabernacle of Moses, the people had to pass through the gate to enter the Outer Court. It is the same entrance as well for the priest who can come to the Holy Place and the high priest who can enter the Holy o


Based on the Message of Pastor Fred Puno How many times have we thought that God is done with us? How many times have we judged our situations too early as hopeless cases because we could not wait long enough to see God come through for us? While it is so easy for man to simply resign to these wrong thoughts in dark times, we can take encouragement from the Word of God as it is full of true stories of God proving Himself faithful and gracious in seemingly impossible circumstances, proving that He is not yet finished with us. Abraham. God promised a son to Abraham at an age when he and Sarah were already too old to bear a child, making it physically impossible. Yet, Abraham and Sarah learned to grow in faith and patience until they saw God’s promise come to pass at the birth of Isaac. Joseph. When Joseph was sold as a slave, he lost everything - his family, identity, and all his possessions. All his dreams seemed impossible to ever come true then. How easy it would have been


The Apostle Paul reminds us in Ephesians 4:17-27 how we must live our lives as followers of Christ, being renewed in the spirit and having a new nature created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness. In the last part of this passage, verse 27 admonishes us to “neither give place to the devil.” The Greek word used for “place” in this verse is “ TOPOS (τόπος ) ” which emphasizes that believers can actually give ground in their lives to the enemy’s control. We have the power to allow these spirits to take control over us by living in sin. And we must realize that the power of sin is in the love of it. Dr. Paul Caram said “unless we allow the Lord to give us hatred for sin, the problem will continue. We will tolerate the sin and the enemy will continue to have an advantage in our lives.” The scripture tells us that not only can we give the enemy an advantage, but we can also oppose ourselves. 2 Timothy 2:24-26 says “And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be g


There will be moments in our lives when we will make decisions that can become great turning points , changing almost everything . In history, the Israelites needed to make a choice when they were about to enter into the promises of God. After seeing the challenges that they were going to have to face to conquer their inheritance from God, their hearts melted and they wanted to turn back. They hesitated to believe the promises that God gave to them. Even after entering into the Promised Land, they found themselves against walled cities and giants and faced the same question - do they turn back or move forward with God? Do you have any promise from God that you believe He will fulfill? God has resolved it in His heart to do what is good, to do what He has promised. But have you also resolved it in your heart to believe that it will happen? We cannot turn back just because Jericho has walls. We cannot fail to believe on the promises of God just because we think they are impossi