The Bible says that man is created in God’s image (Genesis 1:27). This means that we have certain features and attributes that resemble God’s.

One particular commonality worth studying is our eyes and God’s eyes. Just as humans have eyes, God has eyes too. However, God’s eyes see and do so much more than what humans can see and do.


Nothing escapes His eyes because He is actively watching. He does not miss out on any detail. You know how it is when you are seeing but not really paying attention?

You see but you miss out on many details. However, with the Lord He is actively watching everything. He sees everything that is going on. He sees across the whole world. He sees every single one of the 7.6 billion people in the world.

In Genesis 16, we learn of the story of Hagar, the maidservant of Sarah. She fled to the wilderness because Sarah dealt harshly with her. But even there, the Angel of the Lord found her and blessed her with a promise. After that encounter, Hagar called upon the name of the Lord as “You are the God who sees” (El Roi).

God did not only pay attention to Abraham and Sarah, the chosen ones. He also watched over their Egyptian maidservant, Hagar, who was in the middle of the wilderness. God sees everyone everywhere. Whoever we are and wherever we may be in life today, He sees.


The piercing eyes of God not only see the outside but also what’s inside a person. He sees our every secret motive and deepest desire.

“For His eyes are on the ways of man, and He sees all his steps. There is no darkness nor shadow of death where the workers of iniquity may hide themselves.” (Job 34:21-22)

“The eyes of the LORD are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good.” (Proverbs 15:3)

This is good news as well as a warning. It is good news because this means that God sees and knows all of what we are going through. And because He can see all our needs, He can understand us and even supply our every need according to His will.

However, it is also a warning because you know that there is nothing you can do that will be hidden from God. No motive or intention or thought can be kept from Him and His judgments.

When we know someone is watching us, don’t we tend to be more cautious? We adjust how we speak and act. It should be the same with us and God. If we have this constant awareness that God sees us, we will walk in greater fear of the Lord.


In the book of 1 Samuel, Samuel met the sons of Jesse to anoint the new king. When he saw the eldest son of Jesse, Eliab, he said to himself “Surely, the Lord’s anointed is before Him!” But God had a very different response:

But the LORD said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the LORD does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” (1 Samuel 16:7)

Just like with Samuel, it is very easy for us to cast judgments of people by their appearance or physical stature. But God, when He looks, He weighs people by looking at their hearts. God does not distinguish people by looks or accomplishments. Instead, He looks at the inner man.

All the brothers of David were rejected by the Lord. But the one who was not even considered by His own father was the one who pleased God the most. May we have the same heart as David whom the Lord looked at and said, “This is the one!”


When God sees and weighs us, and finds us acceptable, He promises blessings to us. He will watch over us, making sure that we are cared for. Here we will see the kinds of people whom God promises to watch over:

• Those whose hearts are loyal to Him.

“For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him. In this you have done foolishly; therefore from now on you shall have wars.” (2 Chronicles 16:9)

This passage was spoken by the prophet Hanani when King Asa of Judah turned to the king of Syria for help when he was in a war with Israel. King Asa took silver and gold from the treasuries of the temple to give to the king of Syria so that he can have a treaty with him and gain his help against the king of Israel.

The prophet rebuked King Asa for putting his trust in a human king and giving what is the Lord’s to him. God is looking for people who will have hearts that are loyal to Him.

And when is loyalty tested? Our loyalty is tested when situations make us choose to whom or what do we commit ourselves to and place our trust.

Our trust and love for God are proven in times of trials

Do we give God our tithes and offerings even when we are tested financially? Do we give God time even when we are rushing something at work?

To those who will be loyal, God’s promise is that He will show Himself strong for them. He will see them through in their difficulty.

• Those who fear Him and hope for His mercy. 

Psalms 33:18-22 speak of people who are afraid to displease God. They know that they do not deserve the mercy of God but they hope in Him anyway knowing that God is merciful. And to these people, God promises that He will be their help and shield.

• Those who are righteous. 

First Peter 3:10-12 tells us that the Lord looks on those who are righteous. His ears are open to their prayers.

Who is a righteous man? The man who refrains his tongue from evil, his lips from speaking deceit, turning away from evil and doing good, and seeking peace and pursuing it.


Psalms 32:8-9 tells us that the Lord has an intimate way of instruction: by using His eyes.

To be guided with the eye of the Lord can mean seeking to see things through the eyes of the Lord. It can also speak of His desire to teach and guide us and not force His will on us.

In verse 9, we are warned not to be like a horse or mule which requires compulsion to be made to do the will of the Master. Why? Because the horse or mule has its own will. This speaks of those times we would rather do our own thing or do things our own way.

We resist God when our will clashes with God’s desires for our lives. We also resist God when we don’t trust in Him enough. We can also resist God when we don’t allow God to take lordship over our life because we want to be in control instead. There are times man does not want to look at the eyes of the Lord because he does not want to see.

God is gentle and so He will not force a man. 

Instead, He wants us to be guided by His eye. When we look at God’s eyes, we will begin to see things from His perspective. We will see His beautiful vision for our lives and for the people around us. May we be among those who will yield to His ways.


May all these scriptures about the eyes of the Lord put in our hearts both a fear of the Lord and also a living hope: a holy fear to displease Him as He can see and judge every sinful thought and deed, and a hope that He is able to supply our every need, watch over us, and guide us gently to lead us in the right path for our lives.


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