Source: www.LumoProject.com

"Do business till I come."
This is the word of instruction of the nobleman to his servants in the parable of the minas which Jesus spoke of in Luke 19:11-27. The same command is true to us today as He has entrusted each one of us with “minas” of which God will ask us to give an account.

Just the thought that Jesus used the word "business" tells us that the ministry God gives to us is "work." And just like a businessman, God expects returns on His investment. In the same way that the nobleman returned to settle accounts with his servants, Jesus will come back again and judgment will begin in His own household – the Church (1 Peter 4:17).

In this parable, the citizens hated the nobleman and that tells about the Jews’ rejection of Jesus. The servants are those who believe in the Lord. Ten minas were given to ten servants; therefore, each of the servants received one mina.

Source: Sweet Publishing/FreeBibleimages.org

The first servant reported that he yielded 10 minas which means he yielded a 1000% increase! The second servant gained 5 minas which means a 500% increase. The last servant kept his minas in a handkerchief because he feared of risking to lose the money if he traded it. He also had a wrong perception of his master as an austere man.

This tells us that we can be blood-washed Christians serving the Lord yet have a totally wrong perception of God. The master called him a wicked servant, took what he had and gave it to the one who was fruitful. Hence, we can see in this parable that for the Lord, “fearfulness is wickedness.”

In the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14–30), fear kept the servant from obeying the master and gaining interest just as fear hinders a Christian to do the ministry of the Lord or nurture the spiritual gifts. In the parable, each servant received equal entrustment.

Likewise, each Christian receives opportunity, time, energy and resources yet the fruits produced can vary. 

These are only some of the entrustment that God gives to us. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to consider our stewardship and our response to every opportunity and provision God gives us.


Opportunity is a set period of time or circumstances which make it possible to accomplish something. It doesn’t always come but God sure does give us ample time and opportunity to serve Him and function in our calling. Sometimes, opportunity comes subtly that is why we need discernment from the Holy Spirit that we may not miss that golden moment.

We have to keep a heart that is willing to do His will and we need wisdom on how to respond to every open door. Are we letting God-given opportunities pass us by or are we taking a step of faith to obey? When we obey God, we pay the price for our hearts to be kept soft.


God has given all of us 24 hours. Ephesians 5:16-17 tells us to redeem the time. Time is nonrenewable and we are responsible for how we are going to spend it. We need to reconsider how we use our time so we can devote it to the things that are eternal and valuable to the Lord. We must go through every open door, use every opportunity, and have breakthroughs in areas of our life which are not productive.

Energy and Resources

Until Jesus comes, we have to focus on being productive. He will ask each one of us concerning how we spent the energy and resources that He entrusted to us. Are we developing the gifts He has given us? We need the wisdom to save up our energy for what is profitable to the Lord.

Well Done

In the end, we want to fulfill all of His will in our lives. We desire to hear Him say to us, “Well done good and faithful servant. Enter now in the joy of the Lord” (Matthew 25:21).

The Bible says “faithful” and not successful because we can be successful in our own right yet miss the very purpose of God. He requires us to be faithful and He supplies us the grace to do well until the end.

Do we want to hear that commendation from the Lord? Then, we have to be excellent in all our ways. We have to do well in this life. It is not doing well in our definition but according to His standard.

Yes, it is hard work but in the process, God is forging our character until we face the Lord and hear Him say, well done”.


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